This image is in the Iowa Gold Star Military Museum in Johnston IA. It is 22' x 11'. It depicts a place called the Sunken Road at the Battle of Shiloh where Iowans fought for the Union Army.
My soldiers are in various stages of loading their weapons (if they haven't already been shot).
This is the completed Civil War exhibit.
This is the Gold Star Museum's WWII Pacific Theater exhibit. My painting depicts a typical marine landing on a generic Pacific island.
Here is the completed exhibit.
This structure is a replica of a conning tower from a Cold War Era nuclear submarine at the Gold Star Museum.
These photos show my painting from each of the side doors of the conning tower.
This is a composite photo of my painting with the physical periscope removed. The central portion is an accurate life-size Cold War era nuclear sub control station.
This painting is a combination of landscape features from Vietnam. It is in the Gold Star Museum.
Here is the completed Vietnam exhibit.
This is a WWI French airfield painted at the Gold Star Museum. It honors Americans who flew in service for France prior to the United States entering the war.
The war damaged storefront to the left of my painting houses a display of a WWI trench at night. As the visitor exits the trench, they walk out to a morning sky over my French airfield.
The American pilots had two lion cubs as mascots.
This is a view of the WWII Normandy landing at the Dog Green sector, which was depicted in the film "Saving Private Ryan". The perspective is from an actual German machinegun bunker. There are no photos of this angle of the battle, so we created this scene from scratch.
A German bunker was constructed in front of my painting so the visitor can get a feel for the landing from the German perspective.
This is a Korean War F-86 fighter jet. This specific jet was piloted by Captain Hal Fischer from Iowa. The nose of the jet is a 3-D fabrication. My job was to complete the rest of the jet and its environment on this curved wall at the Gold Star Museum.
This cut-out is a life sized portrait of Captain Fischer.
This was John Wayne's station wagon. Behind it I painted an iconic bayside scene as it would have appeared in the 1970's. It is in the John Wayne Museum in Winterset, Iowa.
Mr. Wayne lived on Balboa Island with his family in the 70's. He used to spend time at the Balboa Pavillion (the large building with the flag on top) as a young man.